Monday, January 21, 2008


The Brittney Gann Photography blog has moved to . (Be sure to bookmark my new address).

Keep voting here through out the day for your favorite contest photo- the winner will be announced on the new blog tomorrow!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Headed Out...

I will be out of town for the weekend. All calls and emails will be returned on Monday, and I'll get a post up first thing Tuesday to announce the winner of the photo contest!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Something updated

A little competition is always I thought I'd hold one of my own. The images below are my top favorite 10 images from 2007.....photographically speaking, and in now way a favoritism to the kiddos in the photos.

Use the poll on the side bar to vote (all votes previously emailed will be added to the total.) Anyone can vote- so invite your friends and family to join in on the fun. The winner will receive a FREE 11x14 mounted print of their winning photo. Contest will end 1/21.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I met up with Maggie at her house (her room, locked Mommy and no little brother to be exact) to take some fun and girlie shots that would celebrate her recent 5th birthday. To say she had fun and enjoyed our shoot would be an understatement- she had a BLAST! Her personality really showed through once I got her playing. All in all, a great time!

Little brother Bo, usually very quick to stay away from my camera, just had to steal some of the limelight.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Awaiting "Baby Sawyer"

Aaron & Liz are very good friends of ours who happen to be expecting their first child VERY soon- a baby girl to be named Peyton. We are so excited for them all, and I was honored to take some maternity shots for them to remember this pregnancy by- even though I'm sure Liz is very eager to get back to running and her pre-prego bod.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I finally got to photograph twins...I've been waiting a long time to have the opportunity to photograph twins (especially newborn twins), and Berkley and her sister Valla were as perfect as I could have imagined. Born 7 weeks early, they were 6 1/2 weeks on the day of our shoot (their due date was actually the next day, so I guess that makes them "negative a day"). The way they snuggled into each other melted my heart. Congratulations Angie and Adam- they are absolutely precious!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Brady!!!

Happy 1st birthday little guy!!!