Thursday, August 23, 2007

Abby & Landon

I photographed little Abby with her cousins last Halloween when she was a tiny little ladybug- she's one now and such a sweetie. Even with big brother Landon around (who by the way wasn't too into having his picture made with his baby sis- he did let me snap a few of him by himself though) she is such a girlie-girl.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The last time I photographed Grafton he was just 1 month old- I can't believe how quickly has has grown into the smiling ("toothy") baby that I met at this shoot. At almost 10 months he is full of personality, and was so easy to photograph!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Jada & Ty

Jada and Ty met me at Heritage Park with their Mom, Dad, and Grandmother for some pics right in the middle of our would be an understatement,but the kids didn't seem to mind at all. These 2 cuties were alot of fun to photograph- Miss Jada LOVED the tutu! Hope you enjoy this sneekpeek, Abby- I had a great time with your little ones.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Lennon

Lennon is the very first baby that I have photographed all the way from the womb to one years old. So I was honored when his mom asked if I would be there to help them document his basketball-themed 1st birthday party as well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LENNON!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bryson 1mo.

Some of our very best friends, Bryan and Steph (along with big sis Katelyn), brought their new little guy home for a visit this weekend. I instantly fell in love with him- I could just eat him up. He is so squishy and makes the sweetest grunting sounds- such a little man. Congratulations Johnson family- he is absolutely beautiful!