Saturday, September 15, 2007

Newborn Cooper

Cooper is a newborn that I photographed recently when he was just 12 days old- he is such a precious little-man. He was much more in to having his Mommy hold him than into laying down for some pictutres-I could tell that he was very used to it. I did get TONS of great shots of him, though. Beth- I hope you guys enjoy this sneak peek...and congratulations- Cooper is beautiful!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Christmas Cards

My 2007 Christmas card templates are now ready!!!! All cards are fully customizable and can be created from recent and past photo sessions. Cards come in a 5x7 size and pricing is available at A full gallery of the card options is at Here are a few of my favorites- ENJOY!!!!

Baby Bryson (and big sis Kate)

I know I am probably a little bias (with their parents being 2 of our best friends), but Kate and her new baby brother Bryson are 2 of the cutest kids I know. Bryson was 7 weeks old- and already quite the chunky monkey- when Matt and I went down to visit them in MS over the Labor Day weekend....which I turned in to one big photo-shoot. I think my camera was out of the bag more than in, so it was way too hard to choose 3 or 4 pics to post- that's why I chose 9. You can't get too much of a great thing, right?