Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Baby McKenzie

I met "Baby" McKenzie while visiting a friend in Mississippi. McKenzie and her parents are their neighbors, and they asked if I could photograph her while I was there.....what a cutie-patootie! She has some of the sparkliest eyes I have ever seen. We shot at a lake in a near-by neighborhood, and I fell in love with the grass- I almost forgot what green grass looked like it's been so long since we've had rain here...everything is crunchy. Anna- I hope you enjoy these!!!

1 comment:

Lynda Kenyon said...

Hey Anna, McKenzie's pictures are adorable. I know you were glad to have such great shots of her. I enjoyed meeting you and your family in Mississippi. I'm sure we will see each other again even though Bryan and Stephane have moved. McKinzie is a sweetie.
Bryson and Katelyn's Gram