Monday, October 29, 2007

All Booked Up...

It's happened...I am now officially booked for the entire holiday season- makes me sad and happy....happy that so many of you trust me to capture your families' lives, but sad to have to turn people away.

If I have already contacted you about a session, but we haven't confirmed a date yet...don't worry- I've got a spot saved for you. We are in the thick of the photo holiday rush though, so expect turn-around time to be a little longer than usual. If I have not returned your call/email yet about a session date, I will be contacting you in the next week or so about scheduling for after the first of the year (you guys will be given first dibs on January dates). If you are expecting a newborn between now and the end of the year, I have reserved a few spots for just such occasions- just contact me as soon as possible with your due-date information.

I am still taking orders for Christmas cards with photos from any sessions previously taken....don't you just love summer pics on a Christmas card?

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